
All American Rug Cleaning


Info & Tips

Maximizing The Pleasure Of Your Home

Carpet And Rug Care

Between cleanings

  • Vacuum your carpets regularly. While most carpeting needs to vacuumed only once a week, areas that receive heavy foot traffic may require vacuuming more often.
  • When vacuuming, go with the pile of your carpet to remove soil near surface and then go against the grain to remove deeper, more embedded particles.
  • Place indoor and outdoor mats at every entrance to your home to help reduce the amount of dirt and silt tracked in. Be sure to clean your door mats periodically to keep them working for you!
  • Treat spots and spills immediately! The longer a substance, such as juice, food, or pet accidents, stays on your carpet the more it can penetrate deeply into the fibers.
  • Move your furniture occasionally to prevent the carpet from wearing or soiling in area that get heavy traffic.

When accidents happen

  • Remove any solid materials, like pieces of food, immediately.
  • Place a clean, white cloth over the area to absorb as much liquid as possible.
  • Spray spot remover or carpet cleanser directly on the area until it is wet.
  • Let the spot remover or cleanser stand for one to three minutes so it can loosen any dirt and absorb into the affected fibers.
  • Using a clean, white cloth, gently lift the spot, starting at the edges of the affected area and wiping toward the center. Repeat applying spot remover and cleaning the area as needed.
  • Once the area is clean, blot it again using a clean, white cloth to absorb any remaining moisture.

Vacuum cleaners

All American Rug Cleaning recommends using a good vacuum cleaner. Your carpeting is a major investment, and the less expensive models tend to pick up only surface dirt, which is not sufficient to prolong the life and beauty of your carpeting over the longer term.


Always test your carpet for colorfastness in an inconspicuous area before using spot removers, carpet cleansers, or placing area rugs on top of your carpeting.

Area Rugs

Vacuum the underside of area rugs periodically to remove any loose dirt that may filter through the rug fibers on top.

Professional Cleaning

While regular vacuuming is an effective way to remove most of the soil, sand, and dust that gets tracked onto on your carpets, professional cleaning about once every 12-24 months is also needed to remove oily, sticky substances, including cooking vapors, that also accumulate on your carpet. These oily substances actually attract dirt and break down your carpet fibers, causing them to look dull and worn.

Upholstery Care

  • Vacuum upholstered furniture one every one or two week to remove abrasive soil and grit that can build up and damage the fabric.
  • Rotate and flip furniture cushions occasionally to spread out the wear and tear on them and prolong the life of your furnishings.
  • Put on a rubber glove and run your hand over your upholstered furniture to remove pet hair or make it easier to pick up with a vacuum cleaner.
  • Close your blinds or curtains during the day while you are not at home. This will reduce your furniture’s exposure to damaging sunlight, which can cause the fabric to fade over time.
  • Have your upholstered furniture professionally cleaned and deodorized regularly to prevent the buildup of unpleasant odors.

Tile and grout

Caring For Your Tile Floors

  • Sweep or vacuum tile floors at least once a week to remove dirt, sand and other abrasive materials.
  • Damp mop tile floors regularly with a cleanser recommended by the manufacturer. After washing, be sure to rinse the floor with plain warm water.
  • Do not use ammonia or bleaches to clean tile flooring. Cleansers containing these agents can cause the grout to discolor.
  • Don't use steel wool or any abrasive substance on tile surfaces, as these materials can dull or scratch the tile.
  • Do not wax tile flooring.
  • Wipe up spills immediately to prevent staining the grout. If needed, clean up the spill with a cleanser recommended by the manufacturer and a clean, dry cloth.
  • Place mats at the entrances and exists to your home. Also, use mats on heavy traffic areas, like in front of your kitchen sink. Mats will help protect the flooring from dirt and grit as well as excess water.
  • Place protective pads or "feet" under the legs of iron and metal furniture. Metal furniture particular can rust, causing your tile floors to stain.

Caring for your tile showers, walls, and countertops

Use a soft cloth or a squeegee to wipe down the surface of tiled shower areas after cleaning to prevent chemical buildup, mold, and mildewAfter cleaning tile countertops, you can wipe them down with a soft, dry cloth to prevent streaking and polish their shine.


Apply or re-apply sealant to tile surfaces every 6 to 12 months to prevent the build up or dirt, soil, and grip and prevent staining.

Flood and Water Damage

A dozen things you CAN do in an emergency

  • Call All American Rug Cleaning immediately!
  • Avoid entering any room if the ceiling appears to be wet or sagging.
  • If the water is grey or black, it may be contaminated by sewage or other harmful microbial substances; do not handle any items in the area and do not turn on fans or heating and air conditioning systems.
  • If you can do so safely, turn off the supply of electricity to areas of home affected by flooding.
  • If you can do so safely, move any electrical devices from area affected by flooding.
  • Avoid walking on wet carpets or rugs to the extent possible.
  • Move small pieces of furniture, such as side tables and chairs, from wet carpet as quickly as possible. Place aluminum foil or wax paper under the legs of large furniture pieces, like dressers or china cabinets, to help prevent carpet staining.
  • Remove items that are fragile or sensitive to moisture like books, fabrics, and knick-knacks from rooms affected by flooding. Also remove any items, like potted plants, that could stain your carpets or rugs.
  • Pin up draperies and skirts on furniture to prevent the formation of water lines and marks
  • Towel dry wooden furniture, counter tops and fittings.
  • To avoid the chance of electrical shock, do not try to use home vacuums or shop vacs to extract water in flooded areas.

Flood waters

Flood water falls into three categories. Determining which category your problem falls into is important in determining the best course of action to take. However, it is critical to seek assistance immediately, because category 1 waters can worsen into category 2 or 3 very quickly.

Category 1—clear water
This type of flooding usually entails clean water that originates from a source--such as a broken pipe or water heater--that does not present an immediate danger to humans or animals.

Category 2- grey water
If the flood water appears to be grey, filmy, or murky it may contain a significant level of contamination, which could cause discomfort or sickness to humans exposed to it. Clear water may become murky or fall into category 2 within 24-72 hours.

Category 3- black water
Black water, which may occur in situations involving mass flooding or sewage, is extremely dangers. It contains significant microbial and pathogenic agents and is unsanitary. You should make every effort to prevent your family members or pets from being exposed to this category of flood waters.

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